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7 Benefits of Cold Water Immersion for Women’s Health

Ice Baths For Women’s Health

So, you’re looking for ways to improve your physical and mental health. You’ve heard how cold water immersion therapy can enhance energy levels, increase recovery time, and promote physical and mental well-being… But you don’t know where to start or whether the benefits are worth the plunge.

In Western society, when we feel tired, we reach for caffeine. When we experience pain or inflammation, we rely on anti-inflammatory drugs. And when we want to lose weight, we follow a restrictive diet.

Although these methods are effective in the short term, they often only provide a temporary solution and don't address the root cause. Not to mention, our daily routines often put us on autopilot, leading to stress, fatigue, and other common health conditions.

This is where cold water immersion therapy comes in.

In short, submerging yourself in cold water turns off your autopilot. It essentially shocks your system, stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for your fight-or-flight response.

This response then activates the release of neurotransmitters noradrenaline and beta-endorphins. Beta-endorphins are the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals, promoting euphoria and relaxation, while noradrenaline readies the body for action and enhances focus.

Dr. Susanna Søeberg, cold and heat scientist, states, "As well as boosting recovery, cold water therapy has been shown to boost fitness, mood, immune system and even your libido.”

Cold water immersion therapy can be an incredibly empowering experience. This practice takes a holistic approach by boosting physical and mental health.

For women, particularly those experiencing discomfort during menstruation and menopause, ice baths may also offer relief from symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, and hot flashes, potentially serving as an alternative to traditional hormonal treatment.

If you’re looking for a holistic way to boost your energy, metabolism and immunity while reducing inflammation, blood pressure, and stress, keep reading to learn about the seven benefits of ice baths for women. But, first…

How Does Cold Water Immersion Therapy Work?

Cold water immersion therapy, also known as cold water therapy or ice bathing, involves submerging your body in cold water for a period of time, usually ranging from a few minutes to half an hour.

The water temperature typically ranges from 35 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on your experience with cold water immersion, body composition, and health history.

The Greeks and Romans were among the first to discover the various health benefits of cold baths. Since then, they’ve been recognised for their potential to help sports professionals with recovery and physical performance.

Ice baths work by constricting blood vessels, reducing inflammation and muscle soreness and improving circulation. This process helps decrease metabolic activity and slows down the inflammatory process.

The triggered fight-or-flight response is then responsible for the release of endorphins, potentially enhancing mood and overall well-being.

Ice Baths for Physical Health

Many skeptics are unsure of the benefits of ice baths, but unlike most health fads, cold water immersion therapy is backed by evidence-based research for its holistic approach to wellness. Also, I’m certain most skeptics are just afraid of the cold…

#1 Muscle Recovery

Research conducted by Susanna Soeberg highlights that cold water immersion therapy can significantly reduce muscle soreness and enhance recovery following intense exercise.

How does this work?

It’s a process of vasoconstriction and metabolic waste removal, followed by improved blood flow post-cold dip.

  1. During immersion, the cold temperature causes vasoconstriction, narrowing blood vessels. This process helps to flush out metabolic waste products, such as lactic acid, which accumulate during strenuous physical activity. By reducing the buildup of these waste products, ice baths can alleviate muscle soreness and speed up recovery.

  2. Once the body rewarms after an ice bath, vasodilation occurs, where blood vessels widen; this increased blood flow delivers oxygen and essential nutrients to the muscles, facilitating the repair and rebuilding of muscle fibers. Enhanced circulation also aids in the removal of inflammatory markers, further speeding up the recovery process.

#2 Inflammation Reduction

Ice baths effectively reduce inflammation and pain, which is crucial for athletes and individuals recovering from injury.

How? Immersing the body in cold water lowers tissue temperature, reducing metabolic activity in the affected area. The decrease in metabolic rate helps to limit the inflammatory response, thereby minimising swelling and discomfort.

Cold water exposure has been shown to reduce the concentration of inflammatory markers such as cytokines and prostaglandins. When these markers are reduced, this helps promote faster healing and reduce pain.

#3 Metabolism Boost

Believe it or not, taking the plunge into cold water can help boost fat burning. Our society pushes us to run miles on a treadmill without understanding our metabolic rate. Understanding this allows us to manipulate our metabolism and aid in weight management.

But how can exposure to cold water burn calories? Ice baths can stimulate metabolism by activating brown adipose tissue (brown fat), known for its calorie-burning properties.

Cold temperatures activate brown fat, which generates heat by burning calories in a process known as thermogenesis. Increment in calorie expenditure can aid in weight management and improve overall metabolic health, helping women lead healthier, happier lives.

Studies have also shown that regular cold exposure can lead to a sustained increase in resting metabolic rate, which helps the body burn more calories even at rest.

If weight management is your priority, perhaps it is time to brave the cold and reinvent your routine.

Ice Baths for Physical Health

Don’t get me wrong—I love my skincare routine. Investing in a quality cleanser and moisturiser is a must. But skincare products only go skin-deep, so to get that sought-after glow, we have to go straight to source.

So, how does cold water immersion improve our skin? Let’s find out…

#4 Improved Circulation

Ice baths improve circulation by promoting vasoconstriction and vasodilation. Increased blood flow delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, resulting in a healthier complexion and a natural glow that anyone would envy.

This increase in circulation can also help remove toxins, ridding your skin of the toxins that build up throughout the day.

#5 Pore Reduction

As your blood vessels constrict, they become less visible, giving the skin a smoother, even-toned appearance.

This process can help minimise the appearance of redness, flushing, and visible capillaries or broken blood vessels on your face and body.

Your skin's natural appearance improves when pores are smaller since they are less likely to become clogged with dirt, oil, and other impurities, typically leading to blemishes and breakouts.

Ice Baths for Mental Health

Low mood, stress, and anxiety are common byproducts of our fast-paced lifestyles. Many of us struggle to detach from our external environment and release the build-up of negative emotions due to being trapped in a routine with little space to reset and recharge.

As mentioned, an ice bath shocks the body and provides the ultimate reset for shedding mental blockages and negative thought patterns.

This practice can have a profound effect on our mental health, including:

#6 Reducing Stress

Ice baths can trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Taking the plunge can also activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels. This physiological response helps to calm the mind and improve overall mental well-being.

#7 Enhancing Mood 

Research indicates that cold water therapy can boost mood and mental clarity by increasing the production of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine. Since norepinephrine is a chemical responsible for enhanced mood and focus, many people report improved mental clarity and a more positive outlook after an ice bath.

Regular ice baths have been shown to sustain improvements in mood and mental health.

Ice Baths and Women’s Cycles

As women, most of us have dealt with unfair treatment when talking about menstrual concerns with doctors. It's like society expects us just to suck it up and deal with the symptoms.

Understanding how our hormones fluctuate during our menstrual cycle is key to harnessing the highs and lows of each stage and learning ways to manage symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.

Women going through perimenopause and menopause might also face some less-than-savory symptoms due to lower estrogen levels, including mood swings, anxiety, and hot flashes.

Each menstrual stage has its challenges. The menstrual cycle comprises four main phases: the menstrual phase, follicular phase, ovulation phase, and luteal phase.

Each phase involves hormonal changes that can influence how women respond to various therapies, including cold water immersion.

Here’s what you need to know about each phase and how ice baths might aid in hormone regulation.

Menstrual Phase

The menstrual phase typically lasts 3-7 days. When women bleed, they may experience cramps, fatigue, and general discomfort.

Cold water immersion, such as ice baths, can help alleviate these symptoms by reducing inflammation and numbing pain.

Studies indicate that while cold water therapy can offer pain relief during menstruation, the individual response is highly variable. Some women report significant benefits, while others may find the cold uncomfortable during this phase.

Disclaimer: Consult your healthcare provider before starting cold water therapy for menstrual relief. A complete rundown of your medical history and background will help determine whether cold water therapy is appropriate for you during menstruation.

Follicular Phase

Your follicular phase generally lasts 7-10 days, beginning after menstruation and ending with ovulation.

During this phase, estrogen and energy levels rise, making it an ideal time to take a dunk…

Higher estrogen levels can enhance the body's response to cold during the follicular phase by improving circulation and reducing inflammation, making cold water therapy most effective during your menstrual cycle.


Ovulation typically occurs on day 14 of a 28-day cycle, but this will differ for everyone. When ovulation occurs, estrogen levels peak and a surge in luteinising hormone (LH) occurs, causing the release of a mature egg from the ovary.

Once ovulation occurs, some women experience symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, bloating, breast tenderness, and mood swings.

Taking the plunge during ovulation can help manage the mild discomfort and bloating some women experience.

Based on the evidence that cold water therapy releases mood-enhancing neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine, Dr. Susanna Søeberg states, "Cold water seems to be effective in helping to relieve pain, also because of this increase in endorphins."

Luteal Phase

The luteal phase follows ovulation and lasts until the onset of menstruation, approximately 14 days. During this phase, progesterone levels rise, increasing body temperature and influencing how the body responds to cold.

While some women benefit from an ice bath's anti-inflammatory and mood-enhancing effects, others might find the cold less tolerable due to increased body temperature and sensitivity.

It’s always important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting cold water therapy.

Practical Tips for Women on Cold Water Immersion

Dr. Soeberg suggests a gradual approach when integrating cold water immersion (CWI) and heat exposure into your daily regimen. Starting slowly and progressively increasing your tolerance over time is recommended.

How to Prepare for Cold Water Immersion Therapy

Preparation is key for a successful cold water therapy session. Always ensure you're adequately hydrated before starting cold water immersion and have appropriate attire for warmth post-immersion. Consider your environment making sure your surroundings are safe, and you have someone with you to monitor you at all times.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions, to mitigate any risks that might occur during your cold water therapy session.

Best Practices for Cold Water Immersion

When practicing both techniques, it’s important to end on the cold to force the body to activate more brown fat and reheat it naturally. This is known as the “Soeberg principle,” and it has been endorsed by Professor Andrew Huberman from Stanford University.

After an ice bath or other form of cold water immersion therapy, focus on:

  • Gentle movement

  • Hydration

  • Proper nutrition

Pay close attention to your body's signals during and after taking the plunge, and adjust your practices accordingly!

Incorporating Cold Water Immersion Therapy Into Your Lifestyle

To recap, cold water immersion offers numerous benefits for women, including:

✓ Improved muscle recovery

✓ Reduced inflammation

✓ Stress reduction

✓ Mood enhancement

I would encourage you to incorporate cold water immersion therapy into your wellness routine and consult your healthcare provider to ensure it aligns with your needs and health goals.

Further research is needed to explore the specific effects of cold water therapy on women's hormonal health. When considering alternative therapies for your health, the most important thing is to educate yourself on how different phases of the menstrual cycle may influence your well-being and, therefore, your response to cold water therapy.